Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Today's thought is a simple one. This morning as I headed off to work and kissed my sleepy Justin good-bye, he opened his eyes and said "You look really pretty today." My heart melted a little bit and began to grow with gratefulness as I realized that he says this same thing to me almost every morning when I say good-bye or evening when we greet each other as I arrive home from work. My favorite part is that he really means it each time. It's like every time he says it is the first time he's noticing how pretty I am -- and I don't mean that he forgets he already told me, or is just saying it because he knows I'll like the comment -- I mean that he has lovingly taken time to notice me every day. It makes me feel cherished and beautiful.

Today I am grateful for a husband who tells me I'm pretty.

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