Tuesday, November 30, 2010

rainy day

When I woke up this morning I felt like had barely slept last night. I had a hard time falling asleep even though I haven't been feeling well and the loud, howling wind from our middle-of-the-night-rain-storm didn't help the cause. I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed this morning not ready or wanting to face another day. Trying to sleep as long as I possibly could, I was left rushed to get out of the house (and even had to do my make-up when I arrived at work). I wore my rain boots to endure the massive rain puddles covering all the sidewalks in Ann Arbor, but then forgot to grab my heels to change into at work. Ugh. The sky is grey and everything is brown. It's one of those days when I'd rather be snuggled up under my covers watching a sappy, romantic movie. But I can't. I have to be at work...in my big, frumpy rain boots.

I know this little blog of mine is supposed to reflect fun, happy, feel-good things and moments. But today just isn't a feel-good day. But as I pout my way through this day, forcing fake smiles when I have to, I am reminded that we are allowed to have bad days too. We don't have to feel full of gratefulness and smiles all the time. We are loved even in our blahness. And it doesn't have to say anything about you if you don't feel like being happy today.

With that being said, as I reflect on the past twenty-four hours of my life, I'm noticing that there is still much to be grateful for: the extra warmth in the air that is unusual for late-november, Justin making dinner for us last night (and cleaning up!) while he let me rest on the couch and watch Sex and the City knowing I wasn't feeling well, the quick cuddle on the couch with Justin before he headed back to school to study last night, the homemade soup from my mother-in-law that made packing lunches quick and easy, the late bus that spared me having to walk to the further-away-bus-stop, a warm cozy bed (that even though makes it hard to get up in the morning I'm glad to have), a chance to read my new favorite blog, and a few extra hours in the car tonight with J (even though it means driving to GR for a funeral visitation).

So that's all. Today I'm grateful that sometimes it's ok to not feel grateful and that God still provides little joys to get us through the blahness that life sometimes throws at us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you posted. I've been missing you here too! I loved that first paragraph. Mainly b/c I could envision the whole thing. And I've had those "forget your real shoe" kinda days :)

    my little joy of the day was not being able to snap a quality picture of hannah today b/c she was dancing too fast around the living room :)
