Thursday, April 14, 2011

temporary home

I am a self-proclaimed "don't-do-so-well-with-change" person. But lately, I've been surprising myself. I like to think that's because I've grown over these past few years filled with intense adjustments. But regardless, the last few weeks have been some of the best in awhile.

J and I are heading on an adventure this summer. To the Netherlands. For his internship. In lieu of this adventure, we had to sublet our apartment and much to our surprise, this ended up happening a month sooner than our plan. At first, it was this crazy change that I thought would turn my world upside down, but instead the whole thing left me feeling invigorated and inspired. In only one week's time, we gave up our apartment to someone else for the summer, strategized a plan for where we'd live until we leave in May, packed up all our personal belongings (with the exception of furniture and some dishes) and ended up moving into another empty apartment in our current building.

This chain of events was just what I needed (apparently). It was adventurous and risky, but it allowed J and I to work at something together, it gave us an opportunity to trust God and see how He provides, and it brought a surprisingly pleasant CHANGE into our lives.

We are currently living amidst stacks of our belongings, with patio furniture in our living room, and with an air mattress as our bed. It looks a little something like this.

And usually, I feel like the clutter of our stuff or the lack of kitchen utensils would leave me stressed. But I'm not. We love it here. It's simple and cozy and it immediately felt like home.
Not to mention our view got even better. We're so fancy with our skyscraper view.

I feel like I should say something like "home is where the heart is" or [insert cliche quote here].

But what I really feel is blessed. Grateful. Content. And those are beautiful feelings.

Today I am grateful for change.


  1. this post reminds me a bit of a quote I read the other day, "change is the essence of life; be willing to surrender who you are for what you could become". I don't think it was written in terms of who God shapes us to be, but I think it's applicable! I always find myself impressed with the ways you are intentional with growth :) and is that Dasha in one of those pictures? :)

  2. I agree with E.M.! Love your attitude about it all, honey :) XO
