Wednesday, June 15, 2011

so serious.

Justin and I have a tendency to take life a little too seriously sometimes. We often catch ourselves stressed and intense about whatever it is life throws at us. We're always trying to prepare so that our plans are carried out in the most efficient and cost effective way possible. We blame this [sometimes] paralyzing habit on being "firstborns." Apparently, "firstborns" are known to be overly responsible making sure every decision is well thought out and reasoned.

I mean let's be honest, somethings really are meant to be taken seriously and often being responsible works out in our favor, but other times there is just no need for such seriousness. Sometimes we need to be more present. More in the moment. More stop-and-smell-the-flowers. More light-hearted. More focused on what we have instead of what we don't have.

Because what we's beautiful.

they made me who I am.

they get me. the real me.

this day. my heart was full.

together. forever. and loving it.

God knows how to end a day.

sisters. we share a history together that no one can replace.

new sisters. couldn't have asked for better ones.

new family. my heart overflows.

this place. this view. refresh.


heaven on earth.

Today I am grateful for the moments. The moments that remind me to live a little less carefully and a little more freely.

1 comment:

  1. this post in itself is refreshing. So much to be thankful for :)
